ICD-10 Information
Referring Provider Clinical History Needs for ICD-10
We provide a reference sheet for common imaging indications related to ICD-10 to help referring physicians provide our radiologists with the clinical history needed to make the most accurate evaluations and interpretations.
PLEASE NOTE: Specify clinical indication/symptoms:
Cannot accept “evaluate for “as the only reason for imaging.
- Headache:
- Chronic
- Migraine- with or w/o Aura
- Tension
- Acute- post traumatic
- Dizziness, visual change
- Pain: specify location and laterality
- Swelling or lump: specify location and laterality medial/lateral, anterior/posterior
- Difficulty swallowing
- Cough, Shortness of Breath
- Pain: specify location and laterality
- Pain: specify location (quadrant):
- RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, LLQ, RT, LT, Bilateral, Generalized
- Diabetes Type:
- Complication (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy)
- Kidney Disease:
- Chronic
- Stage: 1 2 3 4 5
- ESRD (end stage with chronic dialysis)
- Dialysis: Y/N
Hypertension (HTN):
- Is it related to heart disease or chronic kidney disease?
- Reason for visit (routine, complaint)
- Pt. complication/condition i.e bleeding, small for dates, large for dates, pain, etc.
- Trimester/weeks of pregnancy
Back Pain/Lumbar Pain:
- Specify location: (level and laterality of spine)
- Low Back Pain RT/LT
- Low Back with Sciatica RT/LT
- Radiculopathy Lumbar
- Radiculopathy Lumbosacral Region
- Radiculopathy Leg RT/LT
- Sciatica RT/LT, Bilateral
- Specify other known spinal disease or complication
Venous US Lower Extremity:
- Pain, swelling, ulcer: specify location and laterality
- Current cancer or history of cancer
- Define: Primary, Secondary, CA in Situ, Benign, Unspecified
- Secondary Cancer:
- Define primary with secondary
- Current treatment or completed treatment:
- Type: Chemo or Rad. Therapy MM/YY
History of CA: Previously excised or eradicated and no further treatment is directed to that site and no evidence of any existing primary malignancy Type and year
Injury: How? When? Symptom?
- Work Comp or Auto accident
- Pain, injury, swelling
- Specify location and laterality: Proximal/distal, medial/ lateral, anterior/posterior
Fracture status:
- Initial visit for evaluation or encounter for active treatment of a fracture
- Subsequent treatment (follow up fracture - NO active treatment)
- Fracture location:
- Laterality: proximal/distal, medial/lateral
- Define type of fracture
- Open or closed
- Pathologic FX:
- Due to neoplasm or other chronic disease